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Tradition meets technology: the hand laminate process at aXpel composites

Hand Laminate

The production of fiber reinforced plastics (FRP) requires precise techniques and highly qualified professionals. One of these techniques, which we at aXpel composites masterfully use, is the hand laminate process.

Hand lamination is one of the oldest and most traditional methods of manufacturing FRP. Although it seems easier than other methods, it requires a high level of skill and know-how.

1. Prepare

With hand lay-up, it all starts with preparing the mold or tool. The surface of the tool is treated with a release agent to prevent the laminate from sticking to it.

2. Laminate

Resin and reinforcement materials - usually fiber mats or fabrics - are then applied alternately to the tool. Each layer is carefully pressed in with brushes or rollers to ensure the resin fully penetrates the fibers and air bubbles are removed. This process is repeated until the desired thickness is achieved.

3. Cure

After all layers have been applied, the laminate is cured until the resin sets. This usually occurs at room temperature but can be accelerated by the application of heat.

4. Postprocessing

Once cured, the finished part can be removed from the mold and further processed to achieve its final shape and surface quality.

The hand laminate process enables the production of FRP parts with complex shapes and large dimensions. Although labor intensive and requiring a high level of craftsmanship, it offers a high level of control over the lamination process and the properties of the finished part.

At aXpel composites we value the craftsmanship that is evident in the hand lay-up process and take pride in combining this traditional method with the most modern materials and practices.

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